If you want to watch or download 0-181 mins, please go to my Airport Page.
Here are explanations for 181-210 minutes,
please let me know if you have something you want to know more about in the clip.
I'll try to explain ;)
He is the first Yoshimoto comedian as a foreigner, was born in Perth, Australia and originally came to Japan as a student. He's in a comedy duo formerly called Jipangu Joriku Sakusen, now Chad Mullane.
A Yoshimoto Comedian visits Chad Mullane's Family in Perth, Australia. Watch
Chad Mullane Speaks Kansai Dialect fluently Watch
He is a comedy talent at Maseki. He used to do lots of dangerous things on variety shows when he was younger such as going to find a hooker to mend her way like Richard Gere did in Pretty Woman, but ending up being kidnapped.
Denpa Shonen - Degawa goes to LA to find his "Pretty Woman"
He is a solo Yoshimoto Comedian. He gave Razor Ramon HG hit first big break as "Hard Gay".
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